There are many reasons why householders should power flush their central heating systems.
- Boiler replacement
- Radiator not heating up
- Radiator hot at top and cold at the bottom
- Boiler kettling
- Heat exchanger blockage
- Radiator water either black or brown
- Pump failure
At Bapagas, we use professional power flush machine to effectively remove harmful magnetite and sludge from your system.
Before we carry out power flushing process, we first establish what the symptoms are, which part of the system is most affected and establish the severity of the problem.
The boiler works at its most efficient when there is no sludge in the system. Having sludge is the equivalent of driving in mud. The engine is working a lot harder just to get the job done. The domino effect is that there is undue strain on working components and bearings and this in turn will cause premature falure. Having blockages in the heat exchangers and diverter valves will undoubtly end up costing you a lot in terms of parts and labour.
The water in your system should therefore be as near as possible to your tap water.
We will remove the sludge from your system and show you the readings taken from the system water and compare this to the ridings taken from tap water.
Each individual radiator will then be measured with an infra-red thermometer for the temperature distribution.
All radiators will be balanced to give equal heat distribution